Yoga with Heather IM
Yoga with Heather IM Gentle Session 1
This one hour yoga class is a gentle flow including options for individuals with shoulder injury or challenges.
Yoga with Heather IM Gentle Session 2
This full session is for all levels & includes clear instructions to safely move in & out of postures.
Yoga with Heather IM Gentle Session 3
This yoga session is for all practitioners with a focus on sthira and sukham (steadyness & ease). Guest appearances by Mia (the conehead) and Kootenay.
Yoga with Heather IM Chakra Session
This practice for all levels focuses on activating the chakra system using movement and nada yoga (the yoga of sound & vibration).
Yoga with Heather IM Warm Up 1
Yoga with Heather IM Surya Namaskar(Sun Salutations) with Warrior Variations
Yoga with Heather IM Warrior Series (Virabhadrasana)
Yoga with Heather IM Vriksasana or Tree posture. To prevent injury do not place your foot on your knee cap.
Yoga with Heather IM Ardha Chandrasana
Half Moon - Balancing Asana (Posture)
Yoga with Heather IM Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior 3) Introductory sequence for beginners.
To prepare for any guided meditation, take a position which is comfortable for you. You may choose to lay in savasana, or take a seated position using a bolster or chair. Wrap yourself in a blanket as your body temperature may lower when still for a period of time. Settle in, then take several expansive breaths, opening into your ribs and heart space… as your eyes close, soften the muscles of your face… breathe… Namaste *
Yoga with Heather IM - Crown Chakra (B note crystal bowl)
Guided Meditation for peace, calm, and well-being.
Yoga with Heather IM Heart Chakra Guided Meditation
Guided meditation to help you tune into your heart space.
“Breathe deeply and know that all is unfolding naturally...”
Yoga with Heather IM Energy Sphere Guided Meditation
This guided meditation encourages you to move energy through your form for healing and rejuvenation.