Heather has taken a sabbatical from teaching in person or virtual yoga however, free video sequences are available to view and prerecorded sessions may be purchased.
Wonderful Fascia
Conscious Core
Chakra Balancing (Nadi Shodhana)
Surya Namaskar B (sun salutations)
Happy Hearts
Up Dog & Supta Baddha Konasana (reclined cobbler)
Knee Kind
Ujjayi Breath - Energizing
Chakra Balance
Metta Practice (loving kindness)
Building Strength
Chakra Balancing
Yama - Ahimsa (external ethics non-harming)
Niyama - tapas (internal ethics - discipline)
Pranayama (circulating vital life energy)
Back Bends
Yoga for Sinuses
Hatha Flow - strengthening
Matsyendrasana (fish posture & preparatory)
Purchase Pre-Recorded Sessions! $40 per 4 class session.
Email & Etransfer 1luminoussoul@gmail.com to receive password OR purchase direct by accessing:
Purchase Pre-Recorded Session
Please specify preferred session and allow 24 hours for password retrieval.
Unsure which session? Each session offers a balance of active and gentle classes. Trust your intuition! Thank you!
Heather is a Registered Teacher and Advisory Committee Member CYA-E-RYT 550 of the Canadian Yoga Alliance. Please visit: Canadian Yoga Alliance